Message from Chair: Happy Holidays

The past 10 months have uniquely tested our ability to adapt and work together, and I am immensely proud of what the Anatomy & Cell Biology community has accomplished as a team. We have maintained (and in many cases exceeded) our standards of high-quality research and education despite the obstacles that 2020 has repeatedly put in our way. I am particularly proud of our community’s capacity for collaboration, flexibility, creativity, compassion and the prioritization of mental and physical health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – you are all amazing.
As we move through the holiday season and into a fresh (and hopefully better!) new year, I wish you moments of peace amid the chaos, meaningful connections with family and friends (even if it can’t be in person), and wonderful glimpses of the joy that still lives under the surface.
Happy holidays from the ACB family to you and yours - stay well, stay safe and enjoy your very well-deserved break.
Alison Allan, PhD
Chair, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology