Email For Life

What is Email for Life?
Email for Life is an initiative implemented at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry (SSMD) in the summer of 2004. With the Email For Life service, all Medicine (MD) & Dentistry (DDS) undergraduate students with a graduation year of 2005 and above are granted a Schulich specific email address (in addition to the Western email address provisioned to all Western students) which is retained after graduation. In the summer of 2015, these email addresses were moved to Western's Student Office 365 system, allowing Email For Life users to access both their Schulich specific as well as Western address through a single account.
Please note:
The old Email for Life system will be permanantly shutdown on December 31, 2016. If you have old email that has not been migrated to Office 365, please do so as soon as possible, as it will not be available after the system is shutdown.
If you are not able to login to Office 365, please attempt to reset your password through the Resetting a Forgotten Password web page, or contact the ITS helpdesk or 519.661.8300.