Moira Stewart, PhD, Peer Reviewed Publications



Hutchison B, Stewart M. Research on patient-centred care "feeds the soul": Reflections from Dr Moira Stewart's outstanding career. Can Fam Physician. 2024 May;70(5):356-358. doi: 10.46747/cfp.7005356. PMID: 38744511.


Freeman TR, Stewart M, Léger D, Jordan J, Copeland J, Hons I, Thind A, Ryan B. Natural history of abdominal pain in family practice: Longitudinal study of electronic medical record data in southwestern Ontario. Can Fam Physician. 2023 May;69(5):341-351. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6905341. PMID: 37172994; PMCID: PMC10177648.

MacArthur C, Van Hoorn R, Lavis J, Straus S, Jones N, Bayliss L, Terry AL, Law S, Victor C, Prud'homme D, Riley J, Stewart M. Training and capacity development in patient-oriented research: Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) initiatives. Res Involv Engagem. 2023 Feb 25;9(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s40900-023-00415-8.

Ryan BL, Mondor L, Wodchis WP, Glazier RH, Meredith L, Fortin M, Stewart M. Effect of a multimorbidity intervention on health care utilization and costs in Ontario: randomized controlled trial and propensity-matched analyses. CMAJ Open. 2023 Jan 17;11(1):E45-E53. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20220006. Print 2023 Jan-Feb.

Ryan B, Thompson K, Meredith L, Richard L, Shariff S, Terry A, Freeman T, Brown J, Matthews M, Stewart M, He J, Choi YH, Wilson H, Reichert S, Cejic S. Family physician virtual care during COVID-19 in London-Middlesex, Ontario, Canada: a mixed methods exploration. Ann Fam Med. 2022 Apr 1;(20 Suppl 1). doi: 10.1370/afm.20.s1.2863.


Brown JB, Reichert SM, Boeckxstaens P, Stewart M, Fortin M. Responding to vulnerable patients with multimorbidity: an interprofessional team approach. BMC Prim Care. 2022 Mar 30;23(1):62. doi: 10.1186/s12875-022-01670-6.

Fortin M, Stewart M, Almirall J, Beaupré P. Challenges in Multimorbidity Research: Lessons Learned From the Most Recent Randomized Controlled Trials in Primary Care. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Feb 24;9:815783. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.815783.

Ryan BL, Brown JB, Freeman TR, Richard L, Stewart M, Meredith L, Choi YH, He JW, Cejic S, Thompson K, Reichert S, Shariff SZ, Booth R, Terry AL, Mathews M. Virtual family physician care during COVID-19: a mixed methods study using health administrative data and qualitative interviews. BMC Prim Care. 2022 Nov 25;23(1):300. doi: 10.1186/s12875-022-01902-9.

Sturgiss EA, Peart A, Richard L, Ball L, Hunik L, Chai TL, Lau S, Vadasz D, Russell G, Stewart M. Who is at the centre of what? A scoping review of the conceptualisation of 'centredness' in healthcare. BMJ Open. 2022 May 2;12(5):e059400. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059400.

Terry AL, Kueper JK, Beleno R, Brown JB, Cejic S, Dang J, Leger D, McKay S, Meredith L, Pinto AD, Ryan BL, Stewart M, Zwarenstein M, Lizotte DJ. Is primary health care ready for artificial intelligence? What do primary health care stakeholders say? BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 2022 Sep 9; 22 (1): 237, DOI: 10.1186/s12911-022-01984-6.

Terry AL, Stewart M, Ashcroft R, Brown JB, Burge F, Haggerty J, McWilliam C, Meredith L, Reid GJ, Thomas R, Wong ST; and the TUTOR-PHC Program Investigators/Mentors. Complex skills are required for new primary health care researchers: a training program responds. BMC Medical Education. 2022 Jul 22; 22(1):565. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03620-3.

Thornton J, Nagpal T, Reilly K, Stewart M, Petrella R. The ‘miracle cure’: how do primary care physicians prescribe physical activity with the aim of improving clinical outcomes of chronic disease? A scoping review. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022 Aug 5, 8. (3): p.e001373, DOI: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001373.


Fortin M, Stewart M, Ngangue P, Almirall J, Bélanger M, Brown JB , Couture M, Gallagher F, Katz A, Loignon C, Ryan BL, Sampalli T, Wong ST, Zwarenstein M. Scaling Up Patient-Centered Interdisciplinary Care for Multimorbidity: A Pragmatic Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Fam Med. 2021 Mar-Apr;19(2):126-134. doi: 10.1370/afm.2650. 

Fortin M, Stewart M. Implementing patient-centred integrated care for multiple chronic conditions: Evidence-informed framework. Can Fam Physician. 2021 Apr;67(4):235-238. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6704235.

Fortin M, Stewart M, Almirall J, Berbiche D, Bélanger M, Katz A, Ryan BL, Wong ST, Zwarenstein M. One year follow-up and exploratory analysis of a patient-centered interdisciplinary care intervention for multimorbidity. J Comorb. 2021 Nov 17;11:26335565211039780. doi: 10.1177/26335565211039780

Kudesia P, Salimarouny B, Stanley M, Fortin M , Stewart M, Terry A, Ryan BL. The incidence of multimorbidity and patterns in accumulation of chronic conditions: A systematic review. J Comorb. 2021 Jul 15;11:26335565211032880. doi: 10.1177/2633556521103288

Lee ES, Koh HL, Ho EQ, Teo SH, Wong FY , Ryan BL, Fortin M, Stewart M. Systematic review on the instruments used for measuring the association of the level of multimorbidity and clinically important outcomes. BMJ Open. 2021 May 5;11(5):e041219. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041219

Lee ES, Lee PSS, Xie Y, Ryan BL, Fortin M, Stewart M. The prevalence of multimorbidity in primary care: a comparison of two definitions of multimorbidity with two different lists of chronic conditions in Singapore. BMC Public Health. 2021 Jul 16;21(1):1409. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11464-7

Ngangue P, Brown JB, Forgues C, Ag Ahmed MA, Nguyen TN, Sasseville M, Loignon C, Gallagher F, Stewart M, Fortin M. Evaluating the implementation of interdisciplinary patient-centred care intervention for people with multimorbidity in primary care: a qualitative study. BMJ Open. 2021 Sep 24;11(9):e046914. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046914.

Piccinini-Vallis H, Brown JB, Ryan BL, McDonald SD, Stewart M. Women's Views on Advice About Weight Gain in Pregnancy: A Grounded Theory Study. Matern Child Health J. 2021 Nov;25(11):1717-1724. doi: 10.1007/s10995-021-03222-3. Epub 2021 Aug 18

Stewart M, Fortin M , Brown JB, Ryan BL, Pariser P, Charles J, Pham TN, Boeckxstaens P, Reichert SM, Zou GY, Bhattacharya O, Katz A, Piccinini-Vallis H, Sampalli T, Wong ST, Zwarenstein M. Patient-centred innovation for multimorbidity care: a mixed-methods, randomised trial and qualitative study of the patients' experience.  Br J Gen Pract. 2021 Mar 26;71(705):e320-e330. doi: 10.3399/bjgp21X714293.  

Stewart M, Freeman T, Hartman TO, Lucassen P, van Boven K, Leger D, Cejic S. Symptoms in family practice: New findings using electronic medical record data. Can Fam Physician. 2021 Nov;67(11):803-804. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6711803.


Boeckxstaens P, Brown JB, Reichert SM, Smith CNC, Stewart M, Fortin M. Perspectives of specialists and family physicians in interprofessional teams in caring for patients with multimorbidity: a qualitative study. CMAJ Open. 2020 Apr 6;8(2):E251-E256. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20190222. 

Freeman T, Stewart M. Making the case for the study of symptoms in family practice. Can Fam Physician. 2020 Mar;66(3):218-219. 

Ngangue PA, Forgues C, Nguyen T, Sasseville M, Gallagher F, Loignon C, Stewart M, Brown JB, Chouinard MC, Fortin M. Patients, caregivers and health-care professionals' experience with an interdisciplinary intervention for people with multimorbidity in primary care: A qualitative study. Health Expect. . 2020 Apr;23(2):318-327. doi: 10.1111/hex.13035. Epub 2020 Feb 8.

Nguyen TN, Ngangue PA, Ryan BL, Stewart M, Brown JB, Bouhali T, Fortin M. The revised Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness Questionnaire: Exploring the factor structure in French-speaking patients with multimorbidity. Health Expect. 2020 Aug;23(4):904-909. doi: 10.1111/hex.13068. Epub 2020 Apr 27. 

Nicholson K, De Burghgraeve T, Fortin M, Griffith LE, Licher S, Lizotte D, Mair FS, Miozzo R, Nouri MS, Ryan BL, Lee ES, Smith S, Stewart M, Terry AL, Tisminetzky M, Ukhanova M, Wetmore S, Stranges S. Advancing cross-national planning and partnership: Proceedings from the International Multimorbidity Symposium 2019. J Comorb. 2020 Sep 24;10:2235042X20953313. doi: 10.1177/2235042X20953313.

Nicholson K, Ganann R, Bookey-Bassett S, Garland Baird L, Garnett A, Marshall Z, Khan AI, Pirrie M, Sasseville M, Ben Charif A, Poitras MÈ, Kyoon-Achan G, Dionne É, Hassani K, Stewart M. Capacity building and mentorship among pan-Canadian early career researchers in community-based primary health care. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2020 Feb 6;21:e3. doi: 10.1017/S1463423619000938.

Ryan BL, Allen B, Zwarenstein M, Stewart M, Glazier RH, Fortin M, Wetmore SJ, Shariff SZ. Multimorbidity and mortality in Ontario, Canada: A population-based retrospective cohort study. J Comorb. 2020 Aug 27;10:2235042X20950598. doi: 10.1177/2235042X20950598.


Ryan BL, Brown JB, Tremblay PF, Stewart M. Measuring Patients' Perceptions of Health Care Encounters: Examining the Factor Structure of the Revised Patient Perception of Patient-Centeredness (PPPC-R) Questionnaire. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2019 Jul 29;6(3):192-202. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.1696. eCollection 2019 Summer.

Ryan BL, Maddocks HL, McKay S, Petrella R, Terry AL, Stewart M. Identifying musculoskeletal conditions in electronic medical records: a prevalence and validation study using the Deliver Primary Healthcare Information (DELPHI) database. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 May 3;20(1):187. doi: 10.1186/s12891-019-2568-2.

Pariser P, Pham TT, Brown JB, Stewart M, Charles J. Connecting People With Multimorbidity to Interprofessional Teams Using Telemedicine. Ann Fam Med. 2019 Aug 12;17(Suppl 1):S57-S62. doi: 10.1370/afm.2379.

Terry AL , Stewart M, Cejic S, Marshall JN, de Lusignan S, Chesworth BM, Chevendra V, Maddocks H, Shadd J, Burge F, Thind A. A basic model for assessing primary health care electronic medical record data quality. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019 Feb 12;19(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s12911-019-0740-0.

Nguyen TN, Ngangue P, Bouhali T, Ryan BL, Stewart M, Fortin M. Social Vulnerability in Patients with Multimorbidity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 8;16(7). pii: E1244. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071244.

Ramond-Roquin A, Stewart M, Ryan BL, Richards M, Sussman J, Brown JB, Bouhali T, Bestard-Denommé L, Fortin M. The "Patient-centered coordination by a care team" questionnaire achieves satisfactory validity and reliability. J Interprof Care. 2019 Sep-Oct;33(5):558-569. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1554633. Epub 2018 Dec 17.


Poitras ME, Maltais ME, Bestard-Denommé L, Stewart M, Fortin M. What are the effective elements in patient-centered and multimorbidity care? A scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Jun 14;18(1):446. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3213-8.

Ryan BL, Bray Jenkyn K, Shariff SZ, Allen B, Glazier RH, Zwarenstein M, Fortin M, Stewart M. Beyond the grey tsunami: a cross-sectional population-based study of multimorbidity in Ontario. Can J Public Health. 2018 Jul Dec;109(5-6):845-854. doi: 10.17269/s41997-018-0103-0. Epub 2018 Jul 18.

Terry AL, Brown JB, Van Hoorn R, Stewart M; TUTOR-PHC Program Co-Investigators (includes Reid GJ, Ryan BL, Vingilis E). Evolution and 15-year effect of a pan-Canadian training program: Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research-Primary Health Care. Can Fam Physician. 2018 Jun;64(6):475-76.


Stewart M, Fortin M, with the PACE in MM Team, Belanger M, Bestard-Denomme L, Bhattacharyya O, Borges DS, Bouhali T, Brown JB, Charles J, Chouinard MC, Emond V, Gallagher F, Glazier RH, Hogg WE, Katz A, Loignon C, Pariser P, Pham TN, Piccinini-Vallis H, Reichert S, Ryan BL, Sampalli T, Sussman J, Thind A, Wodchis W, Wong ST, Zwarenstein MF , Couture M, Huras PW. Patient-Centred Innovations for Persons with Multimorbidity: funded evaluation protocol. CMAJ Open, 2017 May 9; 5 (2): E365-E372, DOI: 10.9778/cmajo.20160097.

Sasseville M, Stewart M, Bouhali T, Fortin M. Relevant outcomes for patient-centered interventions for persons with multimorbidity: experts' discussion. Ann Fam Med. 2017 Jul;15(4):388-389. doi: 10.1370/afm.2116.

Reichert S, Harris SB, Tompkins JW, Brown JB, Fournie M , Green M, Han H, Kotecha J, Mequanint S, Paquette-Warren J, Roberts S, Russell G, Stewart M , Thind A, Webster-Bogaert S, Birtwhistle R. Impact of a primary healthcare quality improvement program on diabetes in Canada: evaluation of the Quality Improvement and Innovation Partnership (QIIP). BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 2017; 5e0003925 doi: 10.1136/ bmjdrc-2017-000392.