Announcement: Greta Bauer, PhD, named CIHR Sex and Gender Science Chair

Congratulations to Greta Bauer, PhD, who was named one of the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)’s new Sex and Gender Science Chairs. Bauer is one of 15 awardees across the country who will be working on research projects aimed at deepening the understanding of how biological and social influences interact to affect health and disease.

The purpose of the Sex and Gender Science Chairs funding opportunity is to support in-depth investigations in the field of sex and gender science by promoting a cadre of discipline-specific Chairs to increase visibility and drive innovation in their respective fields. The Chairs will investigate sex and/or gender as a primary research question within the investigator's field of research, while also building capacity and sharing findings within and outside of their research communities.

“While I have done work on epidemiological methods throughout my career, this award gives me protected time to really focus on improving methods in my discipline and creating resources to help epidemiologists and other quantitative researchers improve their own research strategies,” said Bauer, a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

Bauer’s research will focus on Epidemiological Methods in Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis Plus (SGBA+). This approach considers not just sex/gender differences in health or the factors that promote or hinder good health, but also looks at a diversity of biological sex characteristics and social gender characteristics that can affect health through very different pathways. The approach also uses methods that allow for sex and gender to have different effects or impacts among groups of people of varying identities or social positions like age, socioeconomic status, ethnoracial background and sexual orientations.