Ziad Hindi

Ziad Hindi is currently completing a Gastroenterology fellowship at Western University.

He initially studied Human Biology and Psychology at the University of Toronto. He then moved to Saba to complete his medical degree at Saba University School of Medicine. Having completed medical school internationally, he has clinical experience in both the United States and Canada. This has given him an appreciation of differences in medical practice and the diversity of patient concerns both medically and institutionally. He then went on to complete his Internal Medicine training at Western University.

During his residency at Western University, he was exposed to excellent educators and clinicians that encouraged his interest in the field of Gastroenterology. He was drawn to Gastroenterology because he wanted to help patients with gastrointestinal conditions, and he wanted to pursue a career in a specialty that provides procedural and academic challenges.

His past research has been in liver transplant tourism. Currently, he is taking part in research investigating the affect of timing of colonoscopy on adenoma detection rate as well as investigating the role of alcohol in liver disease.

His hobbies include running, playing soccer, video games, travelling, playing music and attending concerts. In between medical school and residency, he travelled India for 2 months. There, he completed yoga and meditation training at an Ashram.