Centre Researchers

Sarah Blissett (MD, MHPE, FRCPC)
Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: How can workplace learning environments be optimized to maximize learning? How are tasks selected in workplace learning environments and how does this impact learning? How does competency-based assessment impact how trainees learn in workplace learning environments?

Anita Cheng (MD, MHPE, FRCPC)
Assistant Professor, Neonatologist, Department of Paediatrics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research interests include reflective practice in medicine, feedback and coaching, professional identity formation, difficult conversations with families, and medical ethics.

Sandy DeLuca (RN, PhD)
Associate Dean, School of Nursing, Fanshawe College Adjunct Associate Professor, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing & Faculties of Health Sciences & Education, Western University Adjunct Research Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: What exigencies contribute to the fact that nursing knowledge is not consistently imparted, circulated, or shared with critical people on certain acute care units who need to know? What is the place of the body in nursing practice and education? How might poetic and counter-mythic response work assist a practicing nurse to find meaning places for healing shared by the practitioner and patient? In what ways has the current political climate contributed to the nursing shortage crisis?

Adam Gavarkovs (BHSc, ScM, AM, PhD)
Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsResearch Interests / Specializations: Dr. Gavarkovs’ research aims to illuminate the processes underpinning learning, how to support constructive learning processes in health professions training contexts (e.g., medical school, residency training, continuing professional development), and how to evaluate educational interventions. Dr. Gavarkovs is interested in continuing his work on educational design and evaluation using a variety of rigorous quantitative methodologies. He is also interested in promoting the uptake of rigorous data analysis methods in the field of health professions education.

Wael Haddara (BScPharm, MD, MMEd, FRCPC)
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine Schulich School of Medicine, Western University Department Head, Critical Care, London Health Sciences CenterResearch Interests / Specializations: I am interested in closely examining ideas that are promoted as timeless or as central to the tradition and history of Medicine. To do this, I draw on a variety of methods including the archeological and genealogical approaches of Michel Foucault. In addition, I have an interest in issues of equity and diversity, especially as they are enacted in academic centers

Kathy Hibbert (PhD)
Professor, Faculty of Education & Department of Medical Imaging, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University Affiliate Member, Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Faculty of Social Science; Health and Rehab Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences. Research Associate, Professional Practice, Education and Learning, (ProPEL): An International Network for Research at the University of Stirling, Scotland.Research Interests / Specializations: Curriculum assessment, pedagogies and learning by design (focus on Multiliteracies); Teacher Education programmatic research; Health professions education; Understanding diversity through interdisciplinary education; Scholarship of teaching and learning with multiple ‘texts’ including mobile and digital; Qualitative research methodologies (e.g., narrative inquiry, socio-material approaches).

Erin Kennedy (NP-PHC, PhD)
NP Faculty Lead/Site Coordinator/Lecturer Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Dr. Kennedy’s research interests include understanding and improving clinical teams, including the use of interprofessional simulation and simulation innovations for clinical teams. Additionally, she is interested in understanding and developing leadership capacity for Nurse Practitioners.

Sarah McLean (PhD)
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Western University Director of the Schulich Education Enhancement Division (SEED, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: How can we prepare undergraduate medical sciences students to became tomorrow’s science and healthcare leaders? This question is the foundation of my research, and I actively contribute to medical science education scholarship by designing, implementing, and evaluating high impact educational practices in medical science education. The three main themes of my research are: Active Learning adoption and implementation in medical sciences education, Students as Partners in course design and assessment in medical sciences education, and Experiential Learning opportunities as a means to support student development. My current research projects include evaluating students' empathy and perspective-taking during community-engaged learning, evaluating the use of technology in blended learning environments, and students' consideration of assessments and their preparation strategies.

Mary Ott (PhD)
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University Adjunct Research Professor, Faculty of Education, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: How might pedagogy and curriculum design expand possibilities for learner and teacher agency and well-being? What roles do space, time, and materials play in these processes?
Biography: As a Centre Researcher, Dr. Ott is investigating curricular adaptations and pedagogical strategies related to CBME. She also collaborates on a diverse range of projects exploring coaching in surgical education, implementation of new technologies, and character-based leadership

Lisa Shepherd (MD, MHPE, FRCP C)
Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Emergency Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Learning from error and failure: physicians, residents and mIntegrating learners into virtual care delivery