Trainees recognized for outstanding achievement

Dante Capaldi was awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship and will defend his PhD thesis on April 6 2018; he is CAMPEP MClSc candidate who joined Medical BIophysics in September 2013 after completing a COOP undergraduate Physics degree at U Windsor. He has 16 peer reviewed publications including 6 first author manuscripts stemming from his image processing innovations. His work has been featured on journal covers on numerous occasions and he recently was awarded the RSNA Trainee Prize for Physics in 2017. Good luck in your PDF and clinical residency Dante!

Sarah Svenningsen was awarded the CIHR Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship - one of 23 awarded in 2018. She graduated from Western in 2016 and is currently co-supervised by faculty at McMaster (Dr Param Nair) and Western (Dr Grace Parraga). She has 30 peer-reviewed papers published and in press and her recent seminal work was recently editorialized as a precision medicine breakthrough for patients with severe asthma.

Olga Dona was awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship. She is a graduate of the McMaster BME PhD program and will join Medical Biophysics in April 2018. She brings a depth and experience in high field MRI applications and resting state fMRI and DTI. Welcome to Western Olga!