Return to Campus #4 - September 16, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

As a reminder, while the provincial goverment has removed capacity limits and physical distancing minimums for in-person learning at Western University (classrooms, laboratories and libraries), all other requirements of the existing legislation remain in place.

This includes the use of three-ply disposable masks and a minimum of two metres of physical distance between people for meetings and during the consumption of food and drink indoors.

The University is aware of the challenges associated with these requirements and has a team working on additional accommodations for the consumption of food and drinks indoors.

In the meantime, we recommend that academic programs not provide food and drink to students in their programs until further notice, due to the current challenge of finding suitable spaces where the students can then safely consume them.

Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.


Paul Paolatto
Chief Operating Officer
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University

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