From the Desk of Dr. Quiñonez

Winter 2023/24

Dr Quinonez portrait

It is a new year, and I couldn’t be more excited about Schulich Dentistry’s future.

Our governance renewal work is very close to completion, with new progression requirements, committees and policies that will allow us to function more efficiently and effectively. Our operational and curriculum renewal work will now ramp up to take us that much closer to excellence. New and upcoming faculty and staff hires in graduate orthodontics, dental public health, paediatric dentistry, oral and maxillofacial radiology, artificial intelligence, postgraduate dental education, continuing dental education and the director’s office, will add to our already amazing group of people.

Later this year, the name of our Internationally Trained Dentists Program will formally change to the Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates to better reflect accreditation requirements. And through the tireless work of many, we are now putting the final touches on the documentation required for our upcoming accreditation site visit in April 2024.

All the above represents real gains for Schulich Dentistry, and reflects faculty, staff, and students who have taken to heart the ideals of being of service and striving to be the best. In fact, at our mock accreditation site visit in November 2023, the mock accreditors commented on the significant progress that Schulich Dentistry has made since our last accreditation, and the palpable and positive energy that pervades our hallways, classrooms, and clinics.

This is a trajectory that we should all be proud of.

Nevertheless, our upcoming accreditation will invariably point to things we must improve upon. What I do know, though, is that if we’ve done this much already, we will be able to meet any challenge. Onwards and upwards!

~ Carlos

Carlos Quiñonez, DMD, MSc, PhD, FRCD(C)
Vice Dean and Director of Dentistry
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University