A Special Anniversary for the DSCU

November 2022

This month marks the one-year anniversary since the Dentistry Surgical Care Unit (DSCU) re-opened after its closure during the pandemic, and approximately 100 cases have been performed in that time under the leadership of  Director Dr. Michael Shimizu and Nurse Manager Mary-Elizabeth Jones. 

We are pleased to announce that Dr. John Suljak (DDS'98) has now assumed the role of Academic Lead for the DSCU. A former Western graduate and adjunct clinical professor with Schulich Dentistry since 2019, Dr. Suljak has a diploma in Anaesthesia from University of Toronto and is looking forward to taking on this leadership role.

Dr. Williams tours the DSCU with Dr. Quinonez and Dr. Hockley Last month, Dr. Bryan Williams (DDS'74) visited Schulich Dentistry to see how his generous donation to support accessibility enhancements to the Children's Clinic was taking shape. 

Dr. Williams is passionate about helping children with special needs through dentistry and he was particularly impressed by the care we provide through the DSCU.

The unit, which is a collaboration between Schulich Dentistry and LHSC's Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine, will continue to focus on London's high-needs paediatric patients, especially those who have faced barriers in receiving this kind of specialized care.