
Photograph of red ivy on a building wall

Most Clinical Academics will join the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry under the rank of Assistant Professor.  As outlined in the Conditions of Appointment for Physicians (CAP) document, Clinical Academics must achieve the career rank of Associate Professor within 7 years of their initial appointment.  The links below provide information and guidance on the promotion process for Clinical Academics. 

Clinical Faculty who are headed towards promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor can participate in a free learning experience through the CPD office.  The workshop is a combination of Asychronous and Synchronous learning organized in a “Flipped Classroom” format.  The workshop is entitled “How to Get Promoted - Clinical Academics from Assistant to Associate Professor” and  more information can be accessed here

Clinical Promotion Guide 
Conditions of Appointment for Physicians


Acuity Star 

Acuity Star is the platform used by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry to help faculty members log and track their academic activity and performance.  It is vitally important that faculty members become familiar with Acuity Star and it is highly recommended that information is kept up to date on a regular basis.

Acuity Star is the software that is used to generate much of the materials that are included with your application to promotion.  These materials include your Professional CV and Teaching Dossier, among others.  By regularly entering your academic activities into Acuity Star your preparation for promotion will be significantly simplified.  One can access Acuity Star including your personal login, resources, training and support, visit the Acuity Star Portal