Current Residents

The residency program is designed to create a supportive and personally enriching experience. Through many academic and recreational activities, you have the opportunity to form tight-knit bonds with one another. At Western, you will find there is no “typical” resident. Residents come from across the globe with many educational and cultural backgrounds to enhance learning through exposure to different perspectives.

Residents enjoy a wide range of activities, including group discussions, going to movies, dining out, biking on the Thames Valley Parkway, exploring local trails and conservation areas, board game nights, music festivals such as Rock the Park, and more. See Resident Wellness and A Day in the Life of our residents for more!

  • Chief Resident - Anwar Hammoud (London) - Tanuj Sharma (Windsor)
  • President and Assistant Chief Resident - Eric Toyota
  • Coordinator of Psychiatry Education (COPE) representative - Amy Liu
  • Senior Residents: Erika DeBoeck, Ramona Rosca, Ryan Stevenson
  • CaRMs (London)- Anwar Hammoud (Chief), Eric Toyota (President), Melina MacLean, Ravneet Ghumman, Erik Ge, Samira Choudhury, Madeline Chidiac, Alexandria Dicosimo, Maheep Pannu, Amy Liu, Melanie Grondin, Stuart Cameron
  • CaRMs (Windsor) - Tanuj Sharma (Chief), Harsha Aujla
  • Child Psychiatry Representative - Michael Warren
  • Continuing Professional Development - Anwar Hammoud (Chief)
  • Curriculum Committee - Amy Liu (COPE), Eric Toyota, Jin Liu, Spencer Kendall, Alexandria Dicosimo
  • Forensics Committee - Maheep Pannu, Amy Liu
  • Geriatric Psychiatry Representative - Melina MacLean
  • Psychotherapy Representative - Ryan Stevenson, Andrew Lechman
  • Research Representative - Stuart Cameron, Nicholas Laird
  • Evaluations Committee - Anwar Hammoud (Chief), Amy Liu (COPE), Eric Toyota
  • Cultural Psychiatry Committee + Interest Group - Ryan Stevenson, Ravneet Ghumman, Madeline Chidiac, Maheep Pannu
  • Wellness Representatives - Anwar Hammoud (Chief), Ryan Stevenson, Ravneet Ghumman, Erik Ge, Samira Choudhury, Madeline Chidiac, Alexandria Dicosimo, Jeremy Lau, Spencer Kendall
  • Safety Committee - Anwar Hammoud (Chief), Jin Liu, Stuart Cameron, Tanuj Sharma (Windsor Chief)
  • CBME/EMR - Amy Pipe
  • EDID - Run by Dr. Elhusein - Madeline Chidiac, Ramona Rosca, Melanie Grondin

Please contact your resident representative with any issues you would like brought forward at the relevant committee meeting. You may share your concerns with your current Chief Resident, Anwar Hammoud, and he will delegate them to the correct committee.