Dr. Arthur Kidd, Assistant Director, Learner Equity & Wellness

Welcome to a new year at the Schulich Medicine – Windsor Program.

On August 26, I had the distinct pleasure of participating in the Medicine White Coat Ceremony for the second consecutive year. Once again, I was thrilled to witness the excitement and enthusiasm of the incoming group of students. The Medicine Class of 2018 was strongly supported by a full house of proud family and friends wishing them the best as they embarked upon their journey into the medical profession.

It was my honour and privilege to welcome this new class on behalf of Learner Equity & Wellness in both London and Windsor. I expressed our sincere desire to be a ready and reliable resource for any student who is under stress, be it personal, emotional, physical, academic or financial.

I will take this opportunity to remind all of our learners that the Learner Equity & Wellness Office is available to anyone in need of support or guidance. We can also provide assistance for elective planning and CaRMS coordination.

Dr. Arthur Kidd