Casebook 2016

Western MPH Casebook 2016 Cover

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Case 1 - The Fire Under the Shed: The Cornerstone Fuelling Our Plight (keywords:  air pollution; biomass fuel; cook stoves; cassava; manioc; gari; gari processing industry; health knowledge; health promotion; Ghana)

Case 2 - Teleophthalmology Screening: Economic Evaluations in Health Care Decision Making (keywords: healthcare decision making; systematic reviews; health economics; economic evaluations; cost-effectiveness analysis; ICER)

Case 3 - Ciguatera Fish Poison: An Emerging Risk Associated with Climate Change? (keywords: environmental health; food borne illness; social determinants of health; eco-health; climate change; stakeholders; developing country; surveillance; reporting)

Case 4 - The Unique Role of Leadership in Public Health (keywords: public health leadership; leadership training and education; intersectoral collaboration; environmental scan)

Case 5 - Vaccination Under the Midnight Sun: Validation of an Immunization Registry in the Northwest Territories (keywords: immunization coverage; immunization registry; information system; original immunization data; paper immunization records)

Case 6 - Safe Needles Save Lives (keywords: harm reduction; needle exchange programs; safe drug injection; HIV prevention; infectious disease prevention; safe needle disposal)

Case 7 - What Do We Do About the Families? (keywords: health literacy; mental health literacy; peer support; peer support worker; self-care; caregiver burden; mental health; community engagement)

Case 8 - iSMILE Project – Improving Seniors’ Mouthcare in Long-Term Care Establishments (keywords: oral care; needs assessment; personal support workers; seniors; residents; long-term care establishments)

Case 9 - Shifting Culture Between Patients and Health Care Teams to Impact Symptom Screen and Management (keywords: patient culture; health care team culture; symptom screening and management; ESAS)

Case 10 - Babies and Budgets: Balancing Costs and Consequences in Postpartum Screening (keywords: economic evaluation; cost-effectiveness analysis; cost-consequence analysis; decision analysis; maternal and child health; public health unit)

Case 11 - The Case of the Long-Lived Orchestra Conductors (keywords: causation; causal claims; causal mechanism; life expectancy; average life expectancy (at birth; at age X); average age at death; bias (measurement/ascertainment, sampling, confirmation); scientific method (randomization/random assignment, blinding/masking, biological plausibility; control group))

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