Psychiatry - Windsor Site

Windsor and Essex County-Canada’s southern most destination that shares the same latitude as Rome, Italy, Napa Valley, California and Barcelona, Spain. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the miles of spectacular waterfront parkland that invites walking, cycling, or rollerblading in the city. 

Living directly across the border from Detroit, Michigan, also places you on the cosmopolitan stage where arts, culture, big league sports and entertainment are just moments away. Best of all, you can access all these “big-city” advantages while lining in the relative tranquility of a much smaller, friendlier community. With some 109 different ethnic cultures represented, Windsor is also a place where you will find a broad range of religious practices, cultural events, activities, and cuisines.

As for the medical community, the last five years have witnessed impressive growth in undergraduate teaching and the residency program in psychiatry of the Western University. During this period, the department has also been developing the extended campus program (ECP), including the DME (Distributed Medical Education) urban and rural sites, to provide as wide a variety of educational experiences as possible to it’s residents. Great opportunities abound, including community based clinical experience, research and teaching, while using the latest technological innovations of distributed education to do so.

DME postgraduate training provides residents rotations in both Windsor, an urban centre with a catchment of over 300,000 people, and in small to midsized communities throughout Southwestern Ontario.  Other residency programs in Windsor include six core specialties - Anesthesia, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Pediatrics, in addition to Psychiatry.

The academic community has also been home to a clerkship program for seven years; commencing in September 2008, a full four year program of undergraduate medical education will be provided in Windsor. The medical community in the city has enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to be involved in teaching at all levels. Students and residents are welcomed and appreciated. 

Community support has also fostered the development of an infrastructure to support teaching including a new medical school building, as well as improvements in the medical libraries, and areas dedicated to teaching students, on call rooms, and lounges within the hospitals themselves.  The community has initiated a number of traditional academic activities such as regular grand rounds in most departments, including psychiatry. Finally, the development of the medical school has fostered the growth of a technically sophisticated video network allowing distance education, and participation at rounds, journal club, and other educational events taking place in London.  

Adult psychiatry rotations in Windsor are to include a minimum of three hours per week direct supervision.  This commitment would include a weekly supervised psychiatric interview, but also may include practice in Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)s focusing on adult psychiatry and regular review of documentation in order to improve documentation skills for consultation letters and progress notes. 

Faculty members will also assist trainees with the preparation of clinical rounds and medical student teaching. The academic director for post-graduate training accepts the responsibility of ensuring that resident’s service commitments will not eclipse the primary goal of achieving the objectives of the adult inpatient and out-patient core rotations.