Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research

The Human Biomechanics Laboratory is concerned with integrating biomechanical and imaging innovations to understand the relationship between joint structure and function, and to develop outcome measures that predict patient outcomes.

Our objectives include developing medical and assistive devices and innovations that offer new diagnostic, treatment and therapeutic technologies that improve health, quality of life and mobility.

Research projects conducted in our lab employ interdisciplinary and translational research which involve applying research from Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging to Orthopedic Surgery, Patient Oriented Research and measurement of Health Outcomes.

Specific research topics include:

  • 3D modeling of joint contact mechanics
  • in vitro biomechanical testing and kinematic analysis
  • orthopedic image-based outcome measures
  • in vivo motion capture to examine functional performance of joints during standardized and complex tasks
  • technology-enabled innovations (bio-feedback) for self-care strategies in patients with arthritis and for primary prevention of musculoskeletal work-related disorder