First dental student workshop hosted by Schulich Dentistry, a true success

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

They had flown in from all over Canada - some as far as British Columbia; and although it was an early morning, conversation and networking between dentistry students and faculty had already started. It was a great start for the first Canadian Dental Research Student Workshop which took place at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

In an effort to expand the educational and training opportunities for the next generation of Canadian oral health researchers, the Network for Canadian Oral Health Researchers (NCOHR) sponsored a Canada wide dental student workshop entitled "Careers in Academic Dentistry."

On June 10-11, over 90 dental graduate students and a faculty member from nine of the 10 dental schools across Canada descend upon Schulich Medicine & Dentistry at Western University to take part in an important step toward supporting research capacity within the Canadian oral health community.

"It was the first time all dental schools in Canada came together to talk about the advancement of careers in academic dentistry, to guide graduate students who are interested in advancing their academic career," says Walter Siqueira, DDS, PhD, Assistant Professor in Dentistry and Biochemistry, Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. "The gathering also presented an opportunity to showcase Schulich Medicine & Dentistry's faculty and research in the field, opening doors to future research collaboration".

According to an article in the Journal of Dental Research, roughly 10 per cent of faculty positions in American dental schools are vacant. But this problem really applies to all North American dental schools, Siqueira said, adding the industry faces another hurdle because existing faculty members find it difficult to get funding and do the research necessary to obtain tenure.

The workshop offered graduate students a launching point to develop a network of resources and mentorship that will hopefully spur them on to future academic work. The event featured keynote speakers, including Dr. Harinder Sandhu, director, Dentistry; vice-dean, Schulich Dentistry, and focused on topics including: ways institutions can foster careers in academic dentistry, possible careers for clinician scientists, basic scientists in academics, opportunities and barriers facing graduate students interested in oral health research and academic and generational leadership within the oral health community.

"Learning the importance of collaboration and creating a network for the next generation of oral health researchers, the day was a true success. By providing students with mentorship we can bring oral research in Canada to the next level and provide better care for all Canadians," says Siqueira.