News: Lorelei Lingard named Honorary Fellow of the Royal College

Congratulations to Lorelei Lingard, PhD, who has been named an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Honorary Fellowships honour distinguished physicians, surgeons and other professionals for outstanding performance or contributions to medical science. Lingard is being recognized for exceptional contributions to clinical care, mentorship and teaching, and for her inspirational leadership.

Lingard is an internationally recognized scholar, educator and researcher. She is the Founding Director and Senior Scientist of the Centre for Education Research & Innovation at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, a Professor in the Department of Medicine, an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and an Associate Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute.

Lingard’s contributions to the field of medical education research have helped guide how medical schools teach and assess students, specifically in the role language plays in training.

“I have spent my entire research career working alongside Fellows of the Royal College, always with the knowledge that, as a rhetorician and humanities-trained scholar, I am an outsider to this world. Being an outsider is empowering: you can sometimes see, or say, what an insider cannot. But being an outsider can also be isolating: you are not a member, you are something else. Warmly received, well supported and respected -- but something else,” Lingard said. “This Honorary Fellowship feels like recognition that I am a member of this community of medicine. That I belong. I feel immensely grateful for that recognition.”