News and Outreach

Proposed Dental Program Benefits Canadian Health Care


“We know that being unable to get something treated such as an infected tooth can have consequences on the health care system,” said Dr. Noha Gomaa, a professor in dentistry and epidemiology and biostatistics at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Read more..


 Colgate Award for Research Excellence

SocietySchulich Medicine & Dentistry’s Dr. Noha Gomaa, Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Associate Director for Dentistry Research, is a recipient of the Colgate Award for Research Excellence (CARE).

The CARE program is a one-year research grant of USD $30,000 to foster the development of early career investigators in dental research. 
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What is a society to cell approach?

SocietyDentistry is largely focused on a biomedical and behavioural model of care, made up of chairside interventions such as fillings, implants and oral hygiene instruction. But studies show that some individuals are not as responsive to conventional treatment as others, despite having similar clinical presentations and treatment plans.



How Poverty Endangers Teeth: New Immune System Link Found 

PovertyPoorer people are more likely than the better off to have periodontal disease—inflamed and bleeding gums, cavities and teeth that are so infected they must be pulled. And this is not only about mouth pain.



Putting the Mouth Back in the Body


Dr. Noha Gomaa is aiming to educate the next generation of dentists to put the mouth back in the body and understand how a patient’s social history and social environment may impact their health and response to treatment.

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CDA Oasis-CADR Round Table: The significance of clinician-scientists in dentistry. 

Need to add brief summary.