Western/McMaster Annual Research Day

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - May 1, 2024

Western hosted this year at the Four Points Sheraton on Wellington Rd., London.
Congratulations to this year's winners:

  • 1st - Dr. Anton Nikouline, Western   "Prophylactic Non-Invasive Ventilation for Patients High Risk for Extubation Failure"
  • 2nd - Dr. Sean Cuninghame, Western  "Variability of Apnea Testing Methods and their association with Organ Donor Outcomes in Ontario"
  • 3rd - Dr. Laura Goodliffe, McMaster "CAPITAL Do Re Mi 2 - Intrope versus Placebo Therapy for Cardiogenic Shock"


Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - May 12, 2023

McMaster were the hosts this year with a change in venue to the beautiful Liuna Station in downtown Hamilton.
Congratulations to this year's winners:

  • 1st - Drs. Malik Farooqi & Mohammad Althobity   "Driving Pressure in Assisted Ventilation as a Predictor for Successful Liberation from Invasive Mechanical Ventilation - The DRIVE-SAFE Multi-Centre Feasibility Study"
  • Fortin & Prager, Western2nd - Dr. Dr. Ross Prager, Western  "Doppler identified venous congestion in septic shock: a prospective observational feasibility study"
  • 3rd - Dr. Gabriel Fortin, Western "Impact of left ventricle diastology on Critcal Care echocardiography interpretation and clinical course of action"

Honourable Mention:

  • Dr. Nikita Malhotra, McMaster   "Single Centre Comparison of Patients Managed by a Code Shock Team Versus Standard of Care" 



Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - May 9, 2022

Hosts: Western University @ Four Points Sheraton in London.

  • Winners 2022 1st - Dr. Laiya Carayannopoulos, McMaster  "Dexmedetomidine vs other sedatives in critically ill mechanically ventilat
  • ed adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials"
  • 2nd - Dr. Kyle Fiorini, Western   "Critical Care Ultrasonography in Shock Management: A Pilot Prospective Observational Study"
  • 3rd - Dr. Chintan Dave, Western  "Evidence-Based Considerations for the Design of an Open-Source Ventilator: A Systematic Review"

 Honourable Mention:

  • Dr. Daniel P. Durocher   "The Cardiac Intensive Care Medical Education Project:  An Evidence-Based Medical Education Curriculum"

McMaster Western Group Shot 2022


Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - June 14, 2021

Again, due to COVID-19, this year's Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day was a virtual event hosted by McMaster University on June 14, 2021.  It was another successful year with excellent presentations. 


  • 1st - Dr. Mason Curtis, Western  "Retrievable inferior vena cava filter for primary prophylaxis of pulmonary emboism in at-risk trauma patients: A feasibility trial" 
  • 2nd - Dr. Kumait Al Lawati  "Efficacy and safety of transexamic acid in acute traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"
  • 3rd - Dr. Magda Lugowski "The Improving HandOver Quality (IHOQ) Project"


We are looking forward to returning to our in-person event in 2022 which Western will host in London.  Stay tuned for details!

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - June 24, 2020

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day was hosted by Western University in a virtual format on Wednesday, June 24, 2020.  


  • 1st - Dr. Sameer Shaikh, McMaster "Neuromuscular block agents in acute respiratory distress syndrome: updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials"
  • 2nd - Dr. John Landau, Western  "The AORTUS trial:  Ultrasound guided resuscitation after open abdominal aortic surgery" 
  • 3rd - Dr. Wadia Alfilfil & Dr. Rehman Al-Harbi, McMaster  "The proportion & characteristics of positive & negative trials in adult critical are from 2013-2019, a systematic review/meta epidemiological study


Honourable Mentions:      

  • Dr. Zaid Khot, Western "Intra-abdominal hypertension: systematic review & research program"
  • Dr. Ahmad Alyami, Western "Early coronary angiography in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest"
  • Dr. Joshua Piticaru, McMaster "Safety and efficacy of dexmedetomidine in acutely ill adults on non-invasive ventilation:  a systematic review & meta-analysis of randomized trials"

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - April 17, 2019

Host: McMaster University at the Old Mill in Ancaster.


  • 1st - Kimberley Lewis, McMaster "Cuff Leak Test and Airway Obstruction in Mechanically Ventilated ICU Patients (COMIC): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Interim Analysis"
  • 2nd - Jessica Spence, McMaster "Benzodiazepine-free Cardiac Anesthesia for Reduction of Delirium (B-Free): A Pilot Study to Determine the Feasibility of a Multi-Centre, Randomized Cluster Crossover Trial"
  • 3rd - Zainab Al Duhailib, Western "The Use of Central Venous to Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension Gap for Outcome Prediction in Critically Ill Patients. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analaysis"

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - April 12, 2018

Host: Western University at the Four Points Sheraton in London, Ontario.


  • 1st - Dr. John Basmaji, Western "Randomize point of care ultrasound guided resuscitation and usual care comparison in the management of undifferentiated shock: The CRiXUS study"
  • 2nd - Dr. Joanna Dionne, McMaster "Diarrhea: Interventions, Consequences and Epidemiology in the Intensive Care Unit (DICE-ICU Study): A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study" 
  • 3rd - Dr. Faizan Amin, McMaster "Predicting survival after VA-ECMO for refractory cardiogenic shock: validating the SAVE-score


Honourable Mention:      

  • Sameer Shaikh, McMaster "End of Life Skills & Professionalism for Critical Care Residents in Training (ESPRIT) Study"

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - April 6, 2017

Host: McMaster University at the Old Mill in Ancaster.  


  • 1st - Dr. Greig McCreery, Western "Early Rescue from Severe Clostridium difficile Colitis.  A Pilot RCT of Intestinal Lavage for the Treatment of Severe-Complicated CDI"
  • 2nd - Dr. Yousef AlMubarak, McMaster "MetaClinician:  Clinical Practice: Its Variability and Consistency with SSC Guidelines"
  • 3rd - Drs. Faizan Amin & Ayed Asiri, McMaster "Dexmedetomindine vs Propofol for Sedation in Patients after Cardiac Surgery: Systematic Review and Meta Analysis"


Honourable Mentions:      

  • Dr. Hailey Hobbs, Western "Diagnostic Utility of Lung Ultrasound for Heart Failue in Dyspneic Patients:  A systematic review"
  • Dr. John Basmaji, Western "Impact of a Critical Response Team on After-Hours Discharge"

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - April 7, 2016

Host: Western University at the Four Points Sheraton, in London, ON.


  • 1st - Dr. Vincent Lau, Western “Directly from ICU Sent to Home: Factors association with increasing rates of discharges directly ome from ICUs (DISH Study)"
  • 2nd - Dr. Brian Buchanan – McMaster/Western “Comprehensive ultrasound evaluation of the failure‐to‐wean patient: a pilot study
  • 3rd – Dr. John Centofanti – McMaster “Resident reflections on end‐of‐life education: a mixed‐methods study of the 3 Wishes Project

Critical Care Western/McMaster Resident Research Day - April 2, 2015

Host: McMaster University at Ancaster Mill, in Ancaster, Ontario.


  • 1st - Erick Duan, McMaster "OSCILLATE Knowledge Translation - An Audit of ARDS Management"
  • 2nd - Asher Mendelson, Western "Design of a Headrest for Patients Undergoing Prone Ventialation in the ICU"
  • 3rd - Andrew Gibson and Rohin Malhotra, McMaster "The Development of Critical Care Ultrasound Curriculum for Faculty and Fellows"