
The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is committed to the success of our faculty, and accordingly has instituted a number of processes and supports to assist in career development.

These include the following:

  • clear descriptions of workload and performance expectations at the time of hiring and review
  • annual performance review and goal-setting 
  • leadership training opportunities for Clinical Academics, jointly with the London teaching hospitals as part of the Talent Management program and;
  • now a Mentorship process to assist in effective career development

The key elements of the Mentoring process include:

  • the offer of the mentoring process in the letter of offer
  • the establishment of the Mentoring Committee by the Chair and the faculty member
  • the facilitation of the first meeting by the Chair (or delegate)
  • the setting of all future meetings and the agendas by the faculty member
  • on-going support and direction provided by the committee

WHY: Faculty mentorship is essential for optimal career development and experience. It is regarded as a key determinant of success for any academic organization. Individuals whose career aspirations are frequently reviewed and nurtured will be more fulfilled, productive, have higher job satisfaction, less burnout and benefit the organization as a whole. A Schulich Clinical Faculty Mentorship program exists to provide faculty support

WHAT: Ideally, each Assistant Professor will have a mentorship committee that consists of the mentee, a mentor (Associate Professor or higher) from their own department and a mentor with a similar ARC from another Department at Schulich. The presence of a mentor from an outside Department increases collaboration between Departments at Schulich in teaching, research, health care administration and general contributions. This process is initially initiated by the mentoring committee and subsequently lead by the mentee.

HOW: In order to operationalize this program in a consistent fashion to all clinical faculty at Schulich, a Schulich Clinical Faculty Mentorship Oversight Committee has been formed. The mentorship lead acts as a champion from every clinical department. This committee allows for collaboration between Departments with faculty mentorship. Terms of Reference.