
Admission to the Honours Specialization in IMS occurs in Year 3, usually after completion of Medical Sciences 1 and 2. To be eligible for admission, you have to complete the Admission Requirements for the Honours Specialization in IMS and satisfy the requirements for Admission to the BMSc Program.

  • Admission to Year 3

  • .... to Year 4

Admission to Year 3

How do I apply for Honours Specialization in IMS?

You need to submit an Intent to Register (ITR) during the ITR period in the month of March and request a BMSc (Honours) degree and an Honours Specialization in IMS.

What do I need to be eligible for admission?

You must satisfy the requirements for Admission to Year 3 BMSc and have an average* of at least 75% on the six 2000-level half courses listed in the Admission requirements for the Honours Specialization in IMS (Biochemistry 2280A, Biology 2290F/G, 2382A/B, 2581B, Chemistry 2213A and either Biology or Statistics 2244A/B).

*An average greater than 75% may be required if more than 180 qualified students are considered for admission. See the minimum averages required for admission to the various Honours Specialization modules for a history of averages required for Years 3 and 4.

How do I find out if I'm admitted?

After final marks are available in May, we adjudicate students' eligibility for the module(s) they requested during the ITR period.

Your adjudication results will be posted in your Grade Report (on Student Center) by mid-June. If your First Choice for ITR is Honours Specialization in IMS and your report comments state "eligible for requested honours program", then you're admitted!

What if I'm admitted to Year 3 BMSc but not the Honours Specialization in IMS?

You can apply to the Honours Specialization in IMS for Year 4, as long as you are (i) admitted to Year 3 BMSc, (ii) complete all courses listed in the Weighted Average Chart prior to Year 4, and (iii) have a competitive Weighted Average.

Is there a waiting list for Year 3 Honours Specialization in IMS?

No, we don't keep a waiting list for any of the Honours Specialization modules in Year 3. If you are admitted to Year 3 BMSc but a different module, then you can still apply for admission to the Honours Specialization module in Year 4. To apply to Year 4, you must complete all the courses listed in the Weighted Average Chart for the Honours Specialization in IMS and have a competitive Weighted Average.

Admission to Year 4

How do I apply for Honours Specialization in IMS?

If you are registered in the Honours Specialization in IMS in Year 3, then simply submit an Intent to Register (ITR) during the ITR period in the month of March to continue in the same program for Year 4.

If you are registered in Year 3 BMSc but not an Honours Specialization in IMS, then submit an ITR and request a BMSc (Honours) degree and an Honours Specialization in IMS.

What do I need to be eligible for admission?

You must have a Weighted Average of at least 75% on the courses listed in the Weighted Average Chart to be considered for admission to Year 4 Honours Specialization in IMS.

A Weighted Average greater than 75% may be required if more than 180 qualified students are considered for admission. See the minimum averages required for admission to the various Honours Specialization modules for a history of averages required for Years 4.

In addition to a competitive Weighted Average, you must:

  • have a minimum mark of at least 60% in any course that can be used as a modular course, and
  • pass every course in Year 3.

You do not need to carry a full load of 5.0 courses during the Fall/Winter of Year 3 to be eligibile for admission.

How do I find out if I'm admitted?

After final marks are available in May, we adjudicate students' eligibility for the module(s) they requested during the ITR period.

Your adjudication results will be posted in your Grade Report (on Student Center) by mid-June. If your First Choice for ITR is Honours Specialization in IMS and your report comments state "eligible for requested honours program", then you're admitted!

Is there a waiting list for Year 4 Honours Specialization in IMS?

Yes, we keep a waiting list.

If a spot opens up and you are next on the list, then you will be notified by email.