PEL Dropbox

The PEL Dropbox is online storage located in Google's cloud called Google Drive. As a first step to accessing the PEL Dropbox, please install the Gdrive on your computer following instructions at Overview of Google Drive. Once the Gdrive is installed and your PEL Dropbox is created by a PEL administrator, it will always be available to you when you sign in to your Google Account. Signing in requires a username and password and if you remain signed in, you will not be required to enter username and password each time you access. If you do not remain signed in, please save your username and password in a place that you will not forget.

We expect the minimum number of files that you will upload will be four (4), i.e., the 3 page PEL Application, your Resume, First Impressions of the Workplace and a Letter of Summative Evaluation. Instructions will follow. You will receive a PEL e-mail that will give you access to the PEL Dropbox. Your Dropbox is a shared disc space that will allow individuals, who have permission, to access your documents. N.B. You have created a Gmail address and you can access the PEL Documents List with this Gmail address when your Google Account is open.

To upload files from this PEL e-mail click to open your dropbox: "surname given name code"; click on the red banner “new” in the upper left corner and then choose file upload.