Marie-Eve Poitras, RN, PhD



Université de Sherbrooke (Québec)


Marie-Eve Poitras (RN, PhD) holds a bachelor's degree in nursing sciences and a master’s and a doctoral degree in clinical sciences. She did her postdoctoral program in shared decision-making and knowledge translation in primary care and is a TUTOR-PHC alumni. She was a primary care nurse and a research coordinator for 8 years in a family medicine group in the Province of Quebec. She is now an Associate Professor at Université de Sherbrooke (Family and emergency medicine department), holds an academic CRMUS Chair on optimal professional practice in primary care, is a career FRQS Junior-2 researcher and made the Dean List for the top 10% of researchers of Université de Sherbrooke. She is a member of the Section of Researchers Council of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and a board member of the Canadian Family Practice Nurse Association. Dr. Poitras program's research is interested in nursing practice, primary care health service organization, patient-reported measures, and patient engagement. She is co-leading a national initiative funded by Service Canada to support the development of the scope of practice of primary care nurses in family medicine clinics. Her expertise allowed her to become the Canadian delegate and national co-lead of the PaRIS study of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Knowledge transfer is an essential part of our programming, and our team produces relevant and attractive tools to enable knowledge users to use the results of our work.