Dr. Darren Van Dam

Image PlaceholderPosition: Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Clinical Team Lead, Middlesex Centre Family Medicine Clinic

Office: Middlesex Centre Family Medicine Clinic
Phone: 519.666.1610
Email: dvandam2@uwo.ca

Practicing at the Middlesex Centre Family Medicine Clinic since July 2011, Dr. Darren Van Dam holds an academic appointment with Western University. Dr. Van Dam has a strong background and interest in physical medicine, which started with his undergraduate degree in kinesiology and continued as he worked in a physiotherapy clinic for three years after graduating. When he started his medical training at Queen’s university, this interest had him convinced he would be an orthopaedic surgeon, however as his training progressed he developed a strong affinity for the continuity of care and longitudinal relationships he experienced in Family Medicine. Over his career he has developed other interests, including primary care psychotherapy, palliative care and medical education.  Dr. Van Dam looks forward to a long career serving the community of Middlesex Centre, and contributing in some small way to the training of the next generation of Doctors.