Primary Care Obstetrics Grand Rounds: Management of Pregnancy for Advanced Maternal Age

The Citywide Family Medicine Obstetrics Group and the London Area Midwives invite you to join them for their Primary Care Obstetrics Grand Rounds on Thursday, September 20 at 7:30 a.m. at Victoria Hospital in Room C3-301B.

Dr. Wendy Cui will present, Management of Pregnancy for Advanced Maternal Age.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Overview of pregnancy at advanced maternal age, including definition, statistics, preconceptual counseling and specific health concerns.
  2. Overview of prenatal maternal and fetal risks.
  3. Management, including counseling points, specific prenatal care concerns, specific labour and delivery concerns.


25% interaction will be included in each Round.

Supported by the Citywide Department of Family Medicine and Department of Family Medicine.

This program has no commercial support.