After-Hour Access/Security

Chubb Door Security

A Chubb security system, utilizing the students Western One card, provides eligible users with after-hour access to the VERC.

Card access points for the Medical Science Building are located at the North, West and South entrances.

Swipe card access to the Dental Sciences Building is in progress.

The Chubb alarm will sound when a door is held open for longer than twenty five seconds or if the alarm system is tampered with in anyway. The Chubb alarm is linked into the Western Campus Police and when an alarm is sounded the police are summoned to the area.

Each card entry is recorded so that usage can be tracked by the police if there is misuse of the facilities. Do not loan out your card or allow entry of other students to the VERC. If you should lose your student card, please send an email to as soon as possible. Your lost card will be disabled to avoid misuse. New student cards are purchased at the Registrar’s Office. There is a $25.00 replacement fee. Remember to take your student card with you each time you leave the VERC.

Video Camera Surveillance

The VERC is also monitored with video surveillance cameras. All activity is recorded and will be used in the event of any theft or damage.