Recent Publications

Paxton Moon
- Deletion of Panx3 Prevents the Development of Surgically Induced Osteoarthritis
- F-Spondin Deficient Mice Have a High Bone Mass Phenotype
- Novel Insights into Osteoarthritis Joint Pathology from Studies in Mice
Jason Chan
- Insight into motor control and motor impairment from stroke and beta oscillations
- Stable Task Representations under Attentional Load Revealed with Multivariate Pattern Analysis of Human Brain Activity
- Oculomotor System
- Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Deactivation in Monkeys Reduces Preparatory Beta and Gamma Power in the Superior Colliculus
- The effects of attentional load on saccadic task switching
- What can fMRI tell us about functional variability in the oculomotor system and saccade performance?
- Word wins over face: emotional Stroop effect activates the frontal cortical network
Rohann Correa
- Beclin-1 expression is retained in high-grade serous ovarian cancer yet is not essential for autophagy induction in vitro
- Intact LKB1 activity is required for survival of dormant ovarian cancer spheroids
Tavis Apramian
- Thinking like an expert: surgical decision making as a cyclical process of being aware
- A model of engagement in reflective writing-based portfolios: Interactions between points of vulnerability and acts of adaptability
- Adaptation and innovation: a grounded theory study of procedural variation in the academic surgical workplace
Ian Lobb
- Hydrogen sulfide treatment mitigates renal allograft ischemia reperfusion injury during cold storage and improves early transplant kidney function and survival following allogeneic renal transplantation
- Hydrogen sulphide and the kidney: Important roles in renal physiology and pathogenesis and treatment of kidney injury and disease