Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows thrive at London Health Research Day 2015
The London Convention Centre was filled with curiousity and excitement on April 1, as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows shared their research with guests, judges and fellow presenters at the 2015 London Health Research Day event.
This celebration of research in London showcased more than 350 poster and feature platform presentations. By the end of the day, 27 participants were recognized for outstanding research and presentations. Congratulations to all of the award winners from this year’s event.
At lunch, attendees had the opportunity to listen to Nathan Wolfe, The Lucille & Norton Wolf Health Research Lecture Series keynote speaker, provide insight into his global adventures to track, study and eradicate pandemics and epidemics before they strike.
Attendees also had the opportunity to attend one of two workshops featuring a panel of expert industry leaders and faculty members offering insight and advice on a variety of topics.
The day was capped off by a wine and cheese awards reception, where the first Lucille & Norton Wolf London Health Research Day Trainee Publication Awards were given to participants with the top three trainee peer-reviewed publications that appears in press between May 1, 2014 and April 1, 2015.
Thank you to everyone who made this day a success. Please enjoy an online photo slide show below featuring some of the day’s highlights.