Anaesthesia - Windsor

A typical day for a Family Medicine resident on Anaesthesia typically starts at 7:30 AM.  The resident is asked to check his/hers assignment with the OR front desk, change into scrubs and then meets a patient in the OR waiting area. He/she reviews the chart, takes H&P, comes up with an anesthesia plan and writes it down on the anesthesia chart. Then he/she prepares the OR, draws up medications and checks the Anaesthesia equipment.  At 7:45 a.m. the anesthesia staff arrives, discusses a proposed plan, makes necessary corrections and extra-preparations. The resident puts in the IV and does LMA/Intubation. Regional block training (ankle, femoral, axillary etc.) is optional; spinal and epidural block placement is usually restricted to Anesthesia residents or residents planning to do Family Medicine plus Anaesthesia. During the day, the resident discusses with his/her preceptor key points of patient's care, physiology and pathophysiology, pharmacology, helps with IV placements airway management and preoperative assessments. Residents are expected to do 2-3 night calls to get exposure to Anaesthesia for urgent / emergency cases. Preoperative Anaesthesia clinic, interventional pain, acute postoperative pain, inpatient anaesthesia consults can be arranged. This would depend on resident's area of interest. Paediatric, OB Anesthesia requires arrangement with Met campus that has to be done well ahead of the time.