Behavioral Medicine-Windsor

Contact person:

Dr. Pat Montaleone

Collaborative Care Psychiatry - an out-patient experience with varied populations and agencies, including the homeless through Street Health, the working poor through Sandwich Community Centre, and teens through the Teen Health Centre.

Also, a similar experience through the TSC, which will be run through HDGH. 

There will be opportunities for exposure to specialized out-patient clinics through HDGH, including ACT, WPEP, and Problem Gambling.  

Since the rotation is for family residents, it will be geared towards these out-patient experiences that are tailored for what they will encounter in their practice.  There will be tertiary-level inpatients at TNI as well, so if there is an interest to have some exposure to this population in this setting, that will be there as well.

Dr. Montaleone in the process of setting up Accuro as my EMR.  Also, during this rotation they will NOT be expected to do any call in ER.  There will be travel between TNI and several other locations in the community, so a vehicle will be highly recommended.  It will likely be a typical 9-5 day, with low patient volume for the resident, focused on learning not service. They will be mainly assessing new patients, and developing a treatment plan, with some follow-ups as well.