Dr. Daniel Pepe receives Class of Meds ‘49 Award for Excellence in Teaching by residents for 2014-2015 – Junior Resident

Congratulations Dr. Daniel Pepe on being chosen by the Class of Meds ‘49 at Western University to receive the Class of Meds ‘49 Award for Excellence in Teaching by residents for 2014-2015 – Junior Resident.

The award was established by the Class of Meds ‘49 to recognize and reward residents with exceptional teaching ability and who have made significant contributions to the undergraduate medical education of clinical clerks.

"Personally, I often find the most enjoyable part of my day is spending time with medical students after a tough clinical encounter, family meeting, or after we have just diagnosed a rare condition where we discuss these situations together," said Dr. Pepe. "I love teaching so much because I am not only able to share information with students but it also allows me to constantly evaluate myself and my teaching style so I can not only teach students better but most importantly communicate better with my patients."