Margaret Taabazuing


Room E6-324, Victoria Hospital
t. 519.685.8500 ext. 58816


Dr. Margaret Taabazuing is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Division of Geriatric Medicine. She graduated from The Higher Institute of Medical Sciences, Havana and did her residency in Internal Medicine at NYU - Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center, New York and Geriatric Medicine at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan. She has been the Program Director of the Geriatric Medicine Residency program since 2014. She is also the Physician Lead for the Clinical Teaching Unit - Acute Care of the Elderly (CTU-ACE) and holds a Master’s degree in Health Evaluation (MHE) from the University of Waterloo and has some training in LEAN Six Sigma.

Her areas of interest are poly-pharmacy, multi-morbidity, hospital care of older adults, including quality improvement initiatives regarding early mobilization of hospitalized older adults and delirium prevention and impact on the patient and length of stay. She has been recognized for her teaching and she is a recipient of the University Student Council award of teaching excellence. She has collaborated provincially and locally on quality improvement projects. She was the local Physician Lead and co-investigator of the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario (CAHO), Adopting Research to Improve Care (ARTIC) project entitled Mobilization of Vulnerable Elderly in Ontario (MOVE ON) and MOVE ON+ projects at London Health Sciences Centre. Results from MOVE-ON and MOVE-ON+ which have been published in peer review journals, resulting in significant cultural change and in advancing local knowledge in early mobilization of older adults, with the goal of decreasing incident delirium and functional decline. The MOVE-ON project has been adopted by other local non CAHO hospitals as well as other provinces in the country. Dr Taabazuing is currently involved in several local quality improvement projects along with residents and other local quality improvement leads.