SWORP funds research in imaging and language performance

Congratulations to Mason Leschyna and Gia Gill, the 2015 SWORP award recipients.

The Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry is pleased to announce the 2015 Schulich-UWindsor Opportunities for Research Excellence Program (SWORP) award recipients. Congratulations to Mason Leschyna, Medicine Class of 2018 who received the award for his project “Handheld Percussion Diagnostic Device.” Leschyna and will be working with Dr. Roman Maev from the Department of Physics and Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research at the University of Windsor.

Gia Gill, Medicine Class of 2018, received the award for her project “Language Performance and Quality of Life in Stroke Patients with Language Difficulties”. She will be working with Dr. Lori Buchanan from the Department of Psychology, University of Windsor.

Jointly funded by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and the University of Windsor’s Office of Research and Innovation Services, each award is worth $5,000.

The primary intent of the SWORP awards is to enrich students’ undergraduate medical experience by providing the opportunity for them to develop research skills and gain research experience.