Computer Login Information

Login Credentials

To log in to the computers in the VERC, you will need your Western User ID and password - also known as your Western Identity.

This is the same User ID and password used for the Western email system, libraries, OWL, etc; these credentials are created and maintained by Western Information Technology Services (ITS).

Login Problems

If you are having problems logging into the VERC workstations, the issue is most likely one of the following three problems:

  • Incorrect Password - the password being used is not the correct one. There are self-help options for your password at the WTS Password web page.
    • If you require assistance with your password, please call the Western ITS helpdesk at ext.83800. Phones are available in both MSB M150 and MSB M150A at the instructor stations.
  • Western Account Not Activated - before being able to use your Western User ID and password and log in to the VERC workstations, you must first activate your Wester Identity. This can be done by going to the Western Identity web page.
  • Unauthorized User -Only staff/students and faculty of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry are able to log in and use the VERC workstations. While the majority of users are automatically added to the authorized users list, there are instances where this may not be the case. If you believe you are authorized to use the VERC workstations but are unable to do so, please contact the Schulich Information Services Helpdesk at ext.81377.