Chair/Chief Newsletter Message

The Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, is a top performing academic department in Canada, across all pillars of our tripartite mission.

I am extremely humbled and proud to serve as Chair/Chief of this distinguished Department, and I look forward to leading us to achieving even greater heights.

As we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, I am committed to supporting and nurturing our greatest asset – faculty, in order to enable far-reaching impact on patient-centred care and position us as a destination of choice for investigators and learners globally.

I would like to personally thank Drs. Howard Lampe, Resident Alumnus ('83), Lorne Parnes, Resident Alumnus ('85) and John Yoo, my friends, mentors, and colleagues, for serving as past Chair/Chiefs (during my time as a member of this family since 1997), who should be celebrated for elevating the Department to the level it is today.

A special thank you to Dr. Parnes for taking on the new role of CME and Alumni Liaison with such positive energy and enthusiasm, and for producing this wonderful inaugural newsletter. I hope you enjoy all the articles. We look forward to sharing news with you on a much more regular basis.  

Dr. Kevin Fung, Resident Alumnus ('02)
Professor - Chair/Chief