Students - Year 1 & 2 FAQ

For Clinical Methods Year 2 teaching, do I need a car for my clinic placement?

Yes, it is recommended. There are some locations in London that will be hard to reach via public transportation. However, students will not be placed at a location outside of London without the chance to confirm they have access to a car for transportation. Before the course is scheduled, the class rep will survey the class and provide a list as to who has a car and who does not.

Do I get to choose where I am placed for my Clinical Methods Year 2 teaching?

Due to the complex scheduling of this teaching, students are not able to choose where they are placed, although they will not be placed at a rural location without access to a car.

Where can I find more information on the FMIG?

FMIG has a new webpage with our website – click here for FMIG information.

Where can I find more information on the Annual Clinical Skills Day?

Please contact the Co-Chairs of FMIG for more information, or see the FMIG website for more information.

When will I receive information on year 3 clerkship?

In late January, once the clerkship lottery results are distributed, Family Medicine will be hosting a 2 hour information session during class time to go over the options and allow the rural medical programs to present on their opportunities (ie. ERMEP, NOSM, ROMP). Year 2 students will have the month of February to review and submit their rotation preferences form. Students will be notified by early August of their placements for Family Medicine.

Who is my contact for Undergrad Family Medicine issues?

Your contact for Family Medicine is Michele Vanderspank, Program Coordinator. She can be reached at or by phone at 519.661.2111 ext. 86683 or in person at 1st Floor, The Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine.

Does Family Medicine have electives or observerships available for Year 1&2 students?

Yes, Family Medicine offers electives/observerships to all Year 1&2 students from September to May. A list of available preceptors are listed on the year 1 & 2 site. Students have the opportunity to review the list, choose their top 3-4 preceptors and send an email request with their availability (dates, times, days of week) and the Program Coordinator will send request to faculty member. Once confirmed, the student will contact the faculty member directly to set up specific dates and time to complete this teaching. The recommended time commitment for this teaching is 6-12 hours.