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Policy on Support of CME Events from Commercial Sources

The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry welcomes the support of pharmaceutical and other companies in achieving the goals of continuing medical education. When financial support for courses and meetings is provided, certain guidelines should be followed to ensure that there is no conflict of interest between the aims of those providing or participating in the course and those of the company that is supporting the program.

  1. The course director and the planning committee are responsible for the content, quality and scientific integrity of all CME activities approved for study credit. Therefore, the organization, content and choice of speakers must remain the responsibility of the course director, and the planning committee.
  2. CME organizers and their delegates must not be in a position of conflict of interest by virtue of any relationship with the company or companies that fund CME activities.
  3. Financial assistance should not cover all of the costs of the course.
  4. As a principle, the use of generic names for drugs is preferred in presentations and discussions.
  5. It is understood that acknowledgment of support will be included in the course program without specific product designation. Any other promotion will be by prior agreement.
  6. The value of social function at CME events is recognized, but should neither compete with nor take precedence over the educational events.
  7. Travel and accommodation arrangements, social events and venues for industry-sponsored CME activities should be in keeping with the arrangements that would normally be made without industry sponsorship.
  8. Scholarships or other special funds to permit medical students, residents and fellows to attend educational events are permissible as long as the selection of participants for these funds is made by their academic institution.

These guidelines are consistent with those of other CME Offices of Medical Schools in Canada, and reflect the position on industry support by the Canadian Medical Association.