Top 10 We Act achievements

Faculty and staff at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry have been working hard to meet the needs of the people across the School which were expressed in the 2012 We Speak Survey.

There have been a large number of achievements during the past few years, and we’ve compiled the top 10.

In October we shared Numbers 8-10. This month, we are sharing Numbers 5-7.

Number 10

We Act Committee

The School created the We Act Committee that helped to plan, create, structure and lead the way on the We Act initiative. Co-chaired by Margaret Steele and Doug Jones, the committee met on a regular basis to ensure the We Act initiative moved forward, to keep up to date on initiatives related to We Act that Western University was initiating, and ensure that all plans were completed.

Number 9

Departmental focus groups, interviews and surveys and plans

Working with consultants Ann Becker and Janet Frood, the School established focus groups and small group interviews to learn more about the needs of faculty and staff as it related to the survey results. Discussions during the focus groups, which took the form of small and large group meetings, led to the development of action plans.

Number 8

Staff Wellness Committee

In response to feedback from staff about the need to have a more balanced work environment, the Staff Wellness Committee was formed. The Committee has been operational for almost two years and it leads a series of fun, engaging and informative wellness opportunities focused on healthy living. From discounted fitness memberships to events such as the “Amazing Race” to weekly wellness walks and nutritional and mental health presentations, the Wellness Committee is providing a brand new service to staff across the School.

Number 7

Staff Talent Management Program

A new talent management program has been developed that offers a new Staff Emerging Leaders Program, and a series of new learning sessions. Managed by the School’s Human Resources team, the program aims to provide more professional development opportunities for staff across the School.

Number 6

Onboarding Checklist for Faculty

A new checklist and website complete with all the important things a new faculty member will need to know has helped to ease the transition for new faculty at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. 

Number 5

Departmental communication plans and increased team building

Following the survey, departments across the School looked at how they could enhance their internal communication and improve team building. With the needs of faculty and staff being different across the School, the departmental focus was deemed to be the most effective approach.

Watch for more achievements in the December Holiday Newsletter, and for posters around the School sharing the Top 10 We Act Achievement Countdown.