PokeMedSci-GO O-month Activity

Congratulations to all the participants at the PokeMedSci-Go event held on September 13 for Medical Sciences 1 students. This event, hosted by the Basic Medical Sciences departments at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, included a Pokeman-GO-themed race around main campus. Teams used cell phones to track and catch the pokeman characters and were challenged with memory games and questions, geared to the basic medical sciences. Winning teams recorded the fastest times with most correct answers to the challenges. It was definitely a work-out on a hot September day but great fun!

Special thanks to Drs. Anita Woods and Angela Beye for developing the PokeMedSci-Go game and also to the Undergraduate Chairs in the basic departments for their time and effort in creating the information program.

Winning teams were greated by Pikachu, who presented each participant with a Western/Medical Sciences t-shirt and other prizes.


Team Pikachu
First place team:  Renata Ceccacci, Alex Henry and Josh Yu

Second Place Team:  Alexa Chew, Ramtin Hakimjavidi, Colin Fang and Helen Qiu